I have been traveling to and from New York for the last four years and funding it by selling vintage on eBay as well as bar tending to make ends meet.
Love you America for your tipping system!
But on my first winter in New York I've realized 'What am I doing with my life!?' Yup its that cold here! I have been at home a lot. Gone are the Summer roof top parties and fabulous invites to all over Brooklyn and Manhattan. People go into hibernation here! Or at least I have! This is the time where I am back home working all hours and scouring second hand store and car-boot sales to sell my wares on line to pay for my summer in New York. So I'm happy to stay in and upload garments to eBay and catch up with family. This time around its different. Its good different. I actually make money on eBay, so why would I not try and further this and make it a full time gig? Doh, stupid Emma!
So that said, I have a plan Mwahhh ha ha haaa!! Ok its not an evil plan, damn I love an evil plan! My plan? I'm going to start my own website selling vintage. It doesn't stop there, because well, EVERYONE is doing that!? So I'm going to ease on into it and add how to video blogs."How to make your own..' 'How to style..' etc. Videos showing how I made items that are for sale on the website, either make your own or buy from me. I want people to realize how easy it is to be creative. I don't want to just sell! sell !sell! Well I do, I want to make money, but I want to show you how and where to buy vintage and new. How to create looks easily on a budget. So you can buy from me (please) or I can show you how to do it yourself.
I am lucky enough to travel very cheaply so I want to incorporate this into my Online store too. I will add in destination and recommendations of places to stay, shop eat and drink. Ideally I would like to source new materials and labels over the globe and bring them all together. The world is my oyster, I hope!
I'm excited as things need to progress. I mean I'm 36 year old bar tender that hates working in bars! Cant stand drunk people! Don't get me wrong, I love a drink and have many a stupid embarrassing story that usual stems from alcohol, but being sober when everyone around you is drunk, well lets just say its not a fun sight!
So I will be blogging about the progress of this among other rubbish, silliness and seriousness. Expect some lazy days, Frustration, drunkenness and a little sprinkle of depression! I mean that's what a blog is for, a rant? Right? Well mine is, so there!
But I feel if I, a happy, frustrated, some what lazy, occasionally tipsy with added scoop of depressed type girl can do it.. then you can too!
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