I am a SUCKER for a sale; anyone I know will tell you that. I will
always find a bargain. I am a thrifty shopper. Nothing wrong with that, right?
Don't get me wrong I will drop money for an item, but why spend a lot if you
don't always have to. I love a good rummage in a second hand store; this is
where it all stemmed from. I tend not to shop with people as they get bored. To
find a bargain means looking through every single item on every single rail. My
sister laughs at me, if I find a bargain in let’s say Topshop or H&M etc
but it’s not in my size, I will hunt it down until I find it, and I usually do.
In London and New York there are more shops to find the size, colour, shoe that
you want. Different cities have different sales, are you aware of this? Most
chain stores have their regional buyer who will hand pick for their area. Think
about it, we in Edinburgh have a little bit of a different style than say
Newcastle so, as well as having the obvious trends, each buyer will buy more or
less of certain styles. You can see so many different styles in say London,
just going from East to West. Chasing a bargain involves a lot of walking, but
I am prepared to put that effort in! Top tips? Always check the floor in a sale
section, clothes get crammed and fall off hangers, also check the changing
rooms, that massive rail of items to be returned to floor is a great. Check all
around the store too. My eyes are like Terminator now I can just scan a long a
rail. I can spot an item that's not supposed to be on that particular rack real
quick. Jeez as I write this I'm thinking 'what a loser!' Ha ha! Soooo anyway,
back to tips. Best times maybe obvious, first thing in the morning is good as
everything is back where it should be on the rails clean and tidy, which makes
for a quicker shop.
Also good to know that all high street shops that are a
chain have different sales on. So it’s without a doubt worth checking all shops
out, this is the same with online too. Remember online now there is pretty much
a sale section all year round. You can always pick up staple items for winter
in summer and winter in summer.
Second hand store are a little different, be prepared to
look through EVERYTHING every time. Again people will hide items in different
sections, or even just not put back in the correct place. My summer buy in
winter works well in vintage store as prices a dropped out of season check my post I
wrote about my favourite thrift store in Brooklyn.
Do you have any tips for a bargain shopper
Thanks for reading, B x
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