Thursday, 26 March 2015

California Love!

So my last vacation before leaving New York this winter was a trip to Cali-for-ni-a!
Myself and Michelle (my best gal pal in NY) flew into San Francisco and spent a few days before driving out to Reno.
San Francisco pretty much consisted of food and shopping.
I mean that's not a bad trip right?
Michelle is pregnant so our usual party hats where obviously not on. So in stead we spent our time shopping and eating and relaxing, it was a much deserved break after the Christmas chaos of New York
The first nigt I arrived we went for dinner and checked out Dan Sung Sa, a Korean Restaurant in Oakland, apparently know to the locals as Porno Palace, I don't care what its called and why, it had amazing pork and tofu stew!! Cool little spot. Korean bar, looks pretty sketch from outside, corrugated metal and inside has the look of a dive bar, but who doesn't love a dive bar!?? So stomach full we headed home to bed.

We lucked out the following day it was gorgeous warm and sunny, so we grabbed the train from Oakland and took it to San Francisco and headed straight to China town. I'm always happy when there is Asian food! We found a great place, Hon's Wun Tun House, super cheap, ramen, delish! Following food, what's the second best thing in China Town? Yup, Massage! I had a 30 minute back, then 30 minute foot massage. I mean we had to!? When in Rome, or China town!  We had a lot of walking to do that day, so it was a basic necessity!Probably the best foot massage I have had yet, could have stayed longer!!

We decided to take a the Trolley (tram) to the Harbor and walk around and check out Alcatraz island from the pier.

We reached the harbour and took a stroll along the pier, this is where are food intake stepped up a notch! We had to try out the seafood chowder Bowls, I mean HAD to!  $6 gets you a bread bowl chowder and a cold bottle of beer! Not bad!

If we had stayed longer we would have had to try this little island restaurant in the pic to the left , but sadly that's for another visit. The pirate flag drew me in! I mean come on! Who wouldn't want to go there!!
So we headed back, as the next morning was the road trip to Reno and Vintage stops!

So sun setting on our fabulous day, we sat  out side Peir 36  had a few oysters and a little wine (soda for Chellie ). I know, more food, but it was oysters! Ha ha this is a pattern you will notice when I write about food!

Keep reading for my next post 'Reno Baby!' our road trip to Reno, with a a few vintage store stops!
Bear x

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