The Chelsea hotel, if you have never heard has been the home of some of the most famous poets, artist , musicians and writers. Arthur C Clarke wrote 2001: A space odyssey there, and one of my favorite writers Charles Bukowski was also a resident. Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin and Madonna all lived there for a time. What the Chelsea Hotel is most famous for is the death of Nancy Spungen, girlfriend of Sid Vicious. Nancy Spurgen was found stabbed to death in room 100 of the Chelsea Hotel.
Dee Dee Ramone - The Exhibition was amazing. I'm no an art critic. I am no critic of any sort. I am just me. Im rubbish at writing and grammar (Google is my best friend) so lets get that out of the way! I just like what I like! So anything I write is my view, you need to make up your own mind.

The colours and the words of his work here were for me just amazing. It may be seen to other people as simple art work, but I don't think you need to be Van Gough to make a point in what you are trying to portray on canvas.
At the door when leaving there is a souvenir table, I bought a couple of pins and Dee Dee's book Chelsea Horror Hotel. I'm half way through and LOVING it. Ill get back to you once I'm done!
Dee Dee Ramone Exhibition
December 10th 2014 - January 1st 2015
The Hotel Chelsea Store Front Gallery
222 W 23rd Street (btw 7th & 8th Ave)
- Thanks Bear!
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